

Hiking on the most beautiful trails around Bingen

Discover nature and culture on hiking trails in the Middle Rhine, Nahe or Rheinhessen region

In Bingen, wonderful hiking trails tempt you to great excursions. You follow them through enchanting forests and river landscapes. They lead you past stately castles and palaces. They lead you to breathtaking vantage points from which you can gaze for miles into the distance. Whether it's a circular hiking trail, a dream path or a pilgrimage. From Bingen, you can hike the most diverse Middle Rhine Valley on your favorite hiking routes. Set out and discover the unique.

Bingen is the start or finish of the 200 km long RheinBurgenWegesThe trail leads through the fabulous landscape of the Rhenish Schiffergebirge and to more than 20 castles, many of which you can visit, enjoy a delicious meal or even spend the night. If you're a World Heritage fan, follow the Welterbesteig, a true premium trail. Just a ferry ride away is the famous Rheinsteig. You can perfectly connect the stages of these long-distance hiking trails from Bingen by train or even by scheduled boat service. Public transport with a lot of water under the keel, not many places have that to offer.

Bingen is your destination

Come through the wild Soonwald or along the Nahe to

Many long-distance hiking trails lead you to Bingen, including the Soonwaldsteig and the Hildegard von Bingen Pilgrims' Trail.

The premium hiking trail Soonwaldsteig offers solitude and wilderness as you would not expect in the middle of Germany. Dare the adventure and spend the night in a trekking camp in the middle of the forest. And on the Hildegard von Bingen Pilgrimage Trail, follow the footsteps of one of the most important women of the Middle Ages, from Idar-Oberstein with its gemstones to the Rupertsberg in Bingen.

Exceptional hiking trails

Your hiking experience in the Bingen Forest

Varied hiking routes for all ages

A wonderful hiking area is the Bingen Forest. It is one of the largest urban forests in Germany. Here you can enjoy fascinating nature experiences on varied hiking trails. The premium circular tour Baumgeister-Tour leads you on a discovery tour through the beautiful Bingen Forest. Numerous sights await you here. In the Steckeschlääferklamm, for example, you will encounter the mysterious tree spirits. The mystical faces were carved into the trees along the path and then "brought to life" with paint. Since then, they watch as hikers pass by in wonder.

The Bingen Forest Adventure Trail is especially enticing for young hikers. It even has its own mascot. The "Bingen Forest Mouse" accompanies you and the other diligent explorers along the entire trail. At a total of 46 stations along about 5 kilometers, he will explain to you all the exciting things you will encounter in the Bingen Forest. These include a strange, upside-down tree, a fun forest marble run and the remains of an ancient estate.

Culinary hiking with pleasure factor

Discover the magnificent Rhine-Nahe wine trail

As a real bon vivant, you walk the Rhine-Nahe wine trail. You will hike along the beautiful Nahe River to Bingen. The Nahe valley presents itself to you in its most beautiful form: imposing rock formations, picturesque river banks, romantic valleys, forests and castles. The hike is all about excellent wines and delicious cuisine. Stop at small, cozy inns and enjoy hearty spit-roast as well as first-class wines from the lush green vineyards of the Naheland. An incomparable moment of pleasure. And that's not all - more wine enjoyment hikes await you with the nine Hiwwelt tours through the Rhine-Hessian wine hills.

Slip into your hiking boots, take a large portion of curiosity with you and discover Bingen's fantastic landscapes. Be curious about what you will encounter along the way. Because hiking in Bingen means experiencing nature and culture up close.

Customer testimonials

What our guests say

Bingen is simply beautiful. We are there at least once a year at the motorhome site in Gaulsheim. We usually visit the wine festival in Bingen. Very nice restaurants there. Very good food everywhere we've been. Tourist info very nice. All in all top.

Doris Heinrich

Many thanks for the organization of the city tour. Also many thanks to Mr. Jungerts, who expanded our knowledge of Bingen with wit and expertise. Also the selected restaurants were great. He did a very good job. All around a successful event. For this again to you both many thanks. Many greetings from Wuppertal

Reinhard Engmann

So Bingen is worthwhile in general whether the Rhine in flames the Rhine the near or the vineyards and the good wine even carnival can be celebrated well there am Palatinate but the Rhine Hesse / Kurpfalz Rhineland area is also super greetings from the Palatinate Forest ✌✌👍🌲🌳

Joshua collector

The Rochusberg is a beautiful corner for walks with views of Rheinhessen, the Nahe Valley and the Rheingau plus the Rhine. A place of strength on a line with the Donnersberg. Hence the Rochus Chapel, which is definitely worth a visit with its stone carvings as well as the grove around it. In autumn all the colors of the vine leaves from green to yellow and ocher to red...

Christopher Kubaseck

Nice staff at the tourist information. There is a lot of free information material about Bingen and the surrounding area. Also a free toilet is available, including disabled toilet and baby changing facilities. Here is also the ticket office for events in the city.


Competent staff, had a lot of fun on the recommended tour.

Thomas Schwarzenburg

You had a lot of patience with me! Thank you very much for this detailed customer service and support! All the best to you, you helped me a lot and were always patient and friendly. Best regards and until the next booking!

Jasmin Ackermann

Great tourist information, nice staff, in a beautiful city.


One has from the castle Klopp in Bingen on the Rhine, a beautiful view over Bingen, the Rhine shipping and the many vineyards. Interesting is also the castle fountain, and if you are still fit enough, you can climb the 150 stairs up the tower, here you are compensated with a great panoramic view. Also in history, you can expand his horizons up here still something.

Paul Stöckl

The Rochusberg is very beautiful for hiking all around. Everywhere are benches to rest and picnic and enjoy the beautiful view in every direction. Partially at various vantage points are available barbecue areas that you can use after prior registration.

Silvia W.

Rochusberg is a beautiful place, for walking and recharging your batteries. There is ample parking at the Rochuskirche pilgrimage church. A beautiful circular path with references to Hildegard von Bingen lead through the vineyards. The view from the Rochuskirche into the Rhine valley is beautiful.

Manuela Seiter

The museum at the river is great built and very informative, we were there especially because of Hildegard von Bingen. Not to be missed!


The park at the Mäuseturm and the beautifully designed Kulturufer are essentially thanks to the successful State Garden Show of 2008. When the weather is nice, countless visitors flock to this place on weekends. It is simply a beautiful destination for young and old with a wonderful view over the Rhine.

Bettina Link

The Kulturufer, a former state garden show area from 2008, is still beautifully maintained and diversified 10 years later, invites you to relax and linger, gardens above, including harbor promenade, playground and catering also available, free parking.

C. Sch.

The Kulturufer is a beautiful, well-maintained facility that is definitely worth a visit. In addition to the ship berths, there is a well-balanced gastronomy. There are free (!), clean toilets, which other cities can take an example! This park is a success!
