

Your special wine experience in Bingen

Varied wine tasting in the city on four wine growing areas

You can experience the world of wine in Bingen in countless ways. From the classic wine tasting to wine hikes and covered wagon tours to a boat trip with wine experience. Experience the wine world of Bingen the way you like it, or even in a completely new and unique way. The main thing is that you enjoy it to the fullest.

Few German cities have such good conditions for producing excellent wines as Bingen. This is because four wine-growing regions meet in the Rhine city - Rheinhessen, Nahe, Rheingau and Mittelrhein. More than 70 winegrowers cultivate a huge area of 531 hectares. The delicious wines of Bingen are known far beyond the borders of Germany. The special ice wine was invented in the district of Dromersheim.


In the heart of four wine growing areas

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The wine experiences at a glance

Even more wine experiences

Covered wagon ride through the vineyards of Bingen

Taste good wine and enjoy the landscape

Enjoy the delicious Bingen wine during a romantic vineyard tour in a covered wagon. Here you can be comfortably coached through the beautiful Bingen landscape and experience great views of the vast, green vineyards of the Rhine city. Taste two first-class wines from Bingen at the "Table of Encounter".

As a little refreshment, a delicious pretzel with homemade cream cheese awaits you during the idyllic ride. Afterwards, you can enjoy fantastic views from the vantage point "Scharlachkopf", accompanied by two more fine wines. Back at the winery, the hosts will serve you a hearty vintner's platter with sausage, cheese and fresh bread. Also a pure cheese variation for vegetarians is no problem.

Wine hike as a real and digital experience

Creative "Walk Like a Local" tour shows you the wine world on the Rochusberg and in Rüdesheim

You can look forward to a clever concept for a special wine experience with "Walk Like a Local". The combination of real and digital excursion experience makes this wine trip unique. The creative concept was even awarded 1st prize at the Rheingau Start-up Prize. And this is how the hybrid wine experience works:

First, you get a small "Walk Like a Local" backpack. In it, you'll find a map and 15 playing cards with QR codes printed on them. You explore the digital part of "Walk Like a Local" with your own smartphone. Behind the codes are video and audio contributions about the region - sometimes exciting, sometimes funny. Locals, hence the name of the tour, also got involved and sweetened the great tour for you - from the hiking guide to participating vintners to the comedy duo "Badesalz".

Of course, the most important thing must not be missing: the wine. Four different Rheingau wines are given to you in 0.25 l bottles. They are then tasted during the tour in a cozy atmosphere at selected locations.

The hiking trail is just under 8.5 km long and shines with fantastic views and nature experiences.
On the tour over the Rochusberg, you can get the equipped wine backpack incl. wine map directly at the Winzerhof Dreikönigshof, after the personal welcome by the winemaker you start through. The tour takes you to 3 magnificent vantage points, the vintner Jörg Krick explains his wines and the special features of the Rochusberg via video.

You can experience the "Walk Like a Local" tour in Rüdesheim with a minimum of two people. Vouchers are available at the Tourist Information in Bingen. In Rüdesheim, you then exchange them for the backpack and off you go.

Wine hiking and camping in Rheinhessen

CamperDays Blog

Rolling hills and idyllic vineyards - that's Rheinhessen, Germany's largest wine-growing region. Julia takes you on a journey through the romantic wine villages of Rheinhessen. Of course also to Bingen. 

Click here to go to CamperDays

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    Customer testimonials

    What our guests say

    Bingen is simply beautiful. We are there at least once a year at the motorhome site in Gaulsheim. We usually visit the wine festival in Bingen. Very nice restaurants there. Very good food everywhere we've been. Tourist info very nice. All in all top.

    Doris Heinrich

    Many thanks for the organization of the city tour. Also many thanks to Mr. Jungerts, who expanded our knowledge of Bingen with wit and expertise. Also the selected restaurants were great. He did a very good job. All around a successful event. For this again to you both many thanks. Many greetings from Wuppertal

    Reinhard Engmann

    So Bingen is worthwhile in general whether the Rhine in flames the Rhine the near or the vineyards and the good wine even carnival can be celebrated well there am Palatinate but the Rhine Hesse / Kurpfalz Rhineland area is also super greetings from the Palatinate Forest ✌✌👍🌲🌳

    Joshua collector

    The Rochusberg is a beautiful corner for walks with views of Rheinhessen, the Nahe Valley and the Rheingau plus the Rhine. A place of strength on a line with the Donnersberg. Hence the Rochus Chapel, which is definitely worth a visit with its stone carvings as well as the grove around it. In autumn all the colors of the vine leaves from green to yellow and ocher to red...

    Christopher Kubaseck

    Nice staff at the tourist information. There is a lot of free information material about Bingen and the surrounding area. Also a free toilet is available, including disabled toilet and baby changing facilities. Here is also the ticket office for events in the city.


    Competent staff, had a lot of fun on the recommended tour.

    Thomas Schwarzenburg

    You had a lot of patience with me! Thank you very much for this detailed customer service and support! All the best to you, you helped me a lot and were always patient and friendly. Best regards and until the next booking!

    Jasmin Ackermann

    Great tourist information, nice staff, in a beautiful city.


    One has from the castle Klopp in Bingen on the Rhine, a beautiful view over Bingen, the Rhine shipping and the many vineyards. Interesting is also the castle fountain, and if you are still fit enough, you can climb the 150 stairs up the tower, here you are compensated with a great panoramic view. Also in history, you can expand his horizons up here still something.

    Paul Stöckl

    The Rochusberg is very beautiful for hiking all around. Everywhere are benches to rest and picnic and enjoy the beautiful view in every direction. Partially at various vantage points are available barbecue areas that you can use after prior registration.

    Silvia W.

    Rochusberg is a beautiful place, for walking and recharging your batteries. There is ample parking at the Rochuskirche pilgrimage church. A beautiful circular path with references to Hildegard von Bingen lead through the vineyards. The view from the Rochuskirche into the Rhine valley is beautiful.

    Manuela Seiter

    The museum at the river is great built and very informative, we were there especially because of Hildegard von Bingen. Not to be missed!


    The park at the Mäuseturm and the beautifully designed Kulturufer are essentially thanks to the successful State Garden Show of 2008. When the weather is nice, countless visitors flock to this place on weekends. It is simply a beautiful destination for young and old with a wonderful view over the Rhine.

    Bettina Link

    The Kulturufer, a former state garden show area from 2008, is still beautifully maintained and diversified 10 years later, invites you to relax and linger, gardens above, including harbor promenade, playground and catering also available, free parking.

    C. Sch.

    The Kulturufer is a beautiful, well-maintained facility that is definitely worth a visit. In addition to the ship berths, there is a well-balanced gastronomy. There are free (!), clean toilets, which other cities can take an example! This park is a success!
